It's taken me a long time to take this step.... my first quilt! Ok, confession ... This was NOT my first quilt. Below is photo evidence circa 1996, a school project. *wince*. Yes I made the matching dress too. Everyone needs apparel to match their quilt. MOVING ON. I. Learned. A. Lot. You'll get much more valuable tips from other blogs and sites, I won't pretend to be an expert after 1... ok, 2 quilts. I will tell you though, I learned I didn't understand triangles, bias cutting, and fabric stretch . If you're a newbie, my suggestion is to look this up before endeavoring on your first triangle quilt. Also, learn the triangle trick (at least I think it's a trick). I thought I was choosing a pattern that would be easy, but it turned out that the fabrics I chose led to... a lot of math. Don't try to create your own pattern if you're a newbie , too much unnecessary stress! **I used to have a link to the original pattern by Riley...
Just pinned you! Love this wreath. Easy, but oh-so-lovely! Thanks.